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  • Date
    08 MARCH 2024
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    RADAR Newsletter

    Women in AI: Pioneers Shaping the Technological Horizon

    As we celebrate International Women's Day, let's highlight the remarkable women driving the AI revolution—not only through their groundbreaking technological advancements and profound ethical insights but also in their collaboration with AI to create beauty.

    Today's RADAR by RED-EYE newsletter takes you on a journey through the contributions of ten pioneering women shaping the future of artificial intelligence. Alongside their inspiring stories, we invite you to enjoy stunning floral artworks co-created by AI artists. These pieces symbolize the harmonious blend of technology and creativity, reminding us of the beauty that can emerge when innovative minds work in tandem with artificial intelligence.

    Join us in honoring these women's achievements and envisioning a future where technology not only advances society but also enhances our appreciation for art and nature.

    The Vanguard of Women in AI

    Fei-Fei Li: A co-founder of AI4ALL and a professor at Stanford University, Li's research in computer vision and AI ethics promotes a human-centered approach to AI development. Look for her talks and her book "The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI" for a deep dive into her research.

    Joy Buolamwini: Founder of the Algorithmic Justice League, Buolamwini campaigns against bias in facial recognition technologies. Watch her talks and visit the Algorithmic Justice League website to learn more about her advocacy.

    Donna Haraway: Haraway's interdisciplinary work intersects the fields of science, technology, and feminist theory, offering profound insights into the ways technology shapes our identities, relationships, and societal structures. Haraway's "A Cyborg Manifesto" and "Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature" are essential readings for those interested in her critique of traditional boundaries and exploration of a more integrated approach to understanding the relationship between humans and technology.

    Timnit Gebru: Known for her work on algorithmic bias and ethical AI, Gebru's research raises important questions about AI's societal impacts. Look for her publications and interviews online to explore her critical perspectives on AI.

    Anima Anandkumar: Focusing on AI scalability and efficiency at Caltech and NVIDIA, Anandkumar's work advances large-scale AI applications. Check out her lectures and research papers, available online, offer insight into her contributions to AI.

    Cynthia Breazeal: A pioneer in social robotics, Breazeal's work at MIT explores how robots can engage with humans in meaningful ways. MIT's Personal Robots Group website and her published works provide detailed information on her projects.

    Ayanna Howard: Howard's research at The Ohio State University focuses on creating robots to assist individuals with disabilities. Search for her academic publications and talks to understand her approach to robotics and AI.

    Regina Barzilay: A professor at MIT, Barzilay works on AI applications in healthcare, particularly oncology. Further Reading: MIT's website and various interviews with Barzilay offer insights into her groundbreaking work.

    Luciana Parisi: Parisi investigates the philosophical dimensions of technology, offering critical views on the cultural impact of AI. Her academic writings and lectures provide a deep dive into her critical theories on aesthetics, sex, transfeminine and digital technologies.

    Kate Crawford: Focused on the social and political implications of AI, Crawford's work critically examines power dynamics in AI development. Crawford's book "Atlas of AI" and her research articles are excellent resources to understand her analysis of AI's impact on society.

    Celebrating International Women's Day by acknowledging these women in AI underscores the importance of diversity and interdisciplinary collaboration in technology. Their contributions remind us that the future of AI should not only push the boundaries of what's technically possible but also consider the ethical, cultural, and societal dimensions of technological advancement. By exploring the works and insights of these pioneers, we can all contribute to a more inclusive and thoughtful approach to AI, ensuring it serves the good of all humanity.

    Dive into the future with us! Subscribe to RADAR by RED-EYE, your weekly Friday morning newsletter. It's your perfect weekend companion, offering insightful glimpses into AI and the future of everything. Don't miss out on our cutting-edge content designed to inspire and inform. Click here to subscribe on LinkedIn and start your journey into tomorrow, today.
     AI co-created text edited by Gloria Maria Cappelletti