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  • Martin Romeo

    Martin Romeo

    Metaverse Designer

    Martin Romeo is an Italian-Argentinian visual artist. He explores nature and technology investigating the relationship among these elements through dynamic sculptures, VR performances, and multimedia installations. His research reads the world and intimately perceive it, thus dividing his production into tangible and intangible works: tangible works give shape to data, while the intangible ones return data in the form of experience.

    He has exhibited his works in important international contexts, and has participated in various residency programs in Italy and abroad, such as at the Swatch Residency in Shanghai. He is director of the MA in Visual Arts in the Digital Age at the IED University of Milan, lecturer at NABA in Milan, and professor at ISIA University in Urbino. He is represented by Reasoned Art - digital art gallery.

    He was an artist of the Italian Pavilion for Expo 2017 in Astana (KZ), he curated the multimedia project at the Venice Pavilion for La Biennale di Venezia 2018, he did mentorship for VR Residency 2021 in Barcelona (ES), Bulgari 2022 and Creative Studios by Apple 2022. He is an artist for Uffizi Diffusi 2022 and he has received the Italian Council's grant by the Italian Ministry of Culture 2022.