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    27 NOVEMBER 2022
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    CryptoPunks go to Museums

    We love CryptoPunks

    NFTs are here to stay! The Cryptopunk movement is gaining more and more traction as the days go by. What started as a small community of artists, developers and enthusiasts has turned into a full-blown cultural phenomenon. And now, it is entering the world of museums.

    In a move that is sure to excite the cryptopunk community, Yuga Labs has announced that it will be donating a set of Cryptopunks to two different museums: The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Los Angeles and The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in Miami. This is part of Yuga's broader initiative "Punks Legacy Project" to promote awareness and education about NFTs and their potential applications within the art world.

    For both museums, this represents an important first step into collecting digital crypto artworks. "MOCA is always interested in acquiring new forms of media art, so we are thrilled to be working with Yuga Labs on this donation," said MOCA Chief Curator Clara Kim.

    ICA Miami's Artistic Director Alex Gartenfeld echoed these sentiments, saying "We are grateful to Eduardo Burillo for his donation of CryptoPunk 5293 last year and pleased to be working with Yuga Labs again to add more Cryptopunks to our collection."

    FYI - ICA's Trustee Eduardo Burillo donated CryptoPunk 5293, that is a female punk, with a mole, frumpy hair and purple lipstick. You can find her attributes and transaction history HERE.

    CryptoPunk 5293
    CryptoPunk 5293

    Cryptopunks have been making waves in the art world since they were first released in 2017. These digital collectibles are unique, one-of-a-kind works of art that can be traded and sold on secondary markets. And because they are stored on the blockchain, they are immune to forgery or reproduction.

    This week, Yuga Labs donated Punk 305 to the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in Miami as part of Miami Art Week.

    The ICA Miami is one of the leading contemporary art museums in the United States, and it is exciting to see them embrace new technologies like blockchain and NFTs. By storing these works on the blockchain, museums can rest assured that they will always remain in control of their own artworks.

    It is also worth noting that NFTs can be used to create new forms of interactive art. For example, Cryptopunks can be used to create digital sculptures that change shape and form when interacted with by other users. This could lead to some really interesting new possibilities for museum exhibitions in the future.

    Punk 305 at ICA Miami
    Punk 305 ICA MIami
    Punk 305 at ICA Miami
    Punk 305 at ICA Miami

    Everything you need to know about the Punks is HERE!

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