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- 13 JUNE 2024
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EYES ON Tripolare: Injecting Indie Vibes with "Vitamina Life"
EYES ON is our new rubrica dedicated to exploring and narrating the music scene, aiming to offer unique insights and discoveries about artists. In this edition, we had the opportunity to spend an exclusive day with Tripolare.
In the new wave of music in Italy, where indie music is re-emerging alongside rap that dominates the charts, Gabriele Centurione, known to all as Tripolare, is quickly gaining recognition.
Guitar, hat, sunglasses, longsleeve, and jeans: we saw him perform on one of the Mi Ami Festival di Milano stages, and the audience seemed already connected to Tripolare, singing all the songs by heart under the rain. A nice birthday gift for Gabriele, coinciding with the first date of his summer tour that will touch several cities in Italy, including Rome.
His debut album, Vitamina Life, was released on May 3rd. Composed of 10 tracks, it is a collection of snapshots that tell an inner and everyday journey, enriched by collaborations with Altea and BNKR44, the only and perfect features on the record.
Tripolare also talks about his Naples, a city he never detaches from and that inspires him in writing his songs. As he will tell us, Naples is not a city for the faint of heart, even though at times Gabriele seems to be a very shy, respectful, and curious person. On stage, however, behind the guitar and the cap, he transforms and completely opens up.
A fan of 2000s fashion, he describes his style as "funny swag," which aligns with his musical path. At Red-Eye, we transformed Tripolare, letting him play a bit with fashion and the images that complete his personality.

Hi Gabriele, how is life treating you lately?
I can't complain.
Can you tell us why you chose the name Tripolare?
The next person who asks me that, I'll come looking for them. No, just kidding. Producing my own music, it comes naturally for me to change genres too often, and this might seem somewhat inconsistent by today's musical standards.
Vitamina Life is your first album, released on May 3rd, which encapsulates a journey full of emotions. Can you share some anecdotes about how the album came to be?
I made music practically every day for over a year, having the studio at home. It blossomed naturally like a flower. It was a bit of rediscovering the beauty of simplicity. I discarded many tracks that didn't convey the essential energy I was looking for. Conceptually, I managed to give a perspective of everyday use, narrating the world around me, dealing with themes like envy, relaxation, some social paradoxes, and more intimate subjects like love or self-rediscovery.

Is there anyone who encouraged you to become a musician?
Practically speaking, my father was the first to put an instrument in my hands. But what drove me to do this, more than a person, was the need to create my own way of expressing emotions: love songs, songs of despair and anger at first, and then moving on to more complex concepts.
Technology and artificial intelligence play an increasingly important role in modern creativity, such as photography, music, and art. What do you think about it?
I think, like all innovations, it has a potential risk and a possible benefit to convey. The important thing is to understand the measure of what you have in front of you and have a vision when working on certain things.
Do you use apps or programs supported by artificial intelligence, especially during the creation of your songs?
At the moment, I haven't.

What images, fantastical characters, colors, and environments do you feel are closest to your personality?
Halo, Rione Alto, 70s soundtracks, The Invincibles, Troppo Azzurro, Frutiger Aero.
Do you like fashion? Which brands do you like the most right now?
PDF Channel excites me a lot, also Diesel. They have brought a type of streetwear very similar to that of the 90s back to the mainstream, giving it new life in a contemporary form. I believe my music does the same.
In your album, there are two collaborations: one with Altea and one with BNKR44. How did they come about, and are there other artists in the Italian scene you would like to collaborate with?
With BNKR44, we met in the studio several times, doing some tests before something came out that everyone liked. With Altea, it was simpler. I sent her a track missing the second verse, and she turned it around easily, in no time.

What is your relationship with your city, Naples?
I find it hard to imagine living in another city in Italy despite having traveled a lot in the past two years. I'm very attached to it. Of course, you have to deal with the "complete package" of Naples; it’s not a city for the faint-hearted, and I have suffered a lot because of this.
How would you describe your style of clothing, and how do you think it connects to your music?
I would describe it as "funny swag," the same definition I give to my music.
Is there a historical period or a fashion movement that particularly inspires you?
2000s fashion touches inevitably nostalgic notes for me. Being born in 2002, those are my first memories.
What are you doing today, and what will you do tomorrow?
Today, I'm on the train returning from Milan; tomorrow, I can't know.

Artist @tripolare_
Agency @helpmediapr and @cappiecappie
Record Label @sugarmusicofficial
Interview by @benedetta.borioni
Creative Direction @gloriamariagallery
Photographer and AI Artworks @rosariorex
Shot at @superstudio13
Ph. Assistant 1: @alice_piccin
Ph. Assistant 2: @marcello_raguso
Stylist: @giorgia_imbrenda
Assistants : @gretascuderigreco
Hair Stylist: @daniloferrigno_
Make up Artist: @silvia_acquapendente
Red-Eye Team
Editor in-Chief : @gloriamariagallery
Editorial Director : @danieleverse
Features Editor : @eleonoraapirisi
Art Director : @gambardl
Account Manager: @doppia_h